How to Quickly and Easily Manifest
ALL you want in life in just minutes a day.
Time Tested and Proven!

Hey mate,

If want to make easy manifesting your lifestyle and you are tired of all the weird, silly, time consuming, confusing manifesting methods taught out there, you’ve come to the right place.

Welcome to the 2024 edition of Manifesting Mastery!

Manifesting Mastery takes less than 15 minutes a day, so manifesting becomes an easy and fun filled way of life.

Just take a moment and imagine this…

“If we could share a yummy cup of coffee with you every morning, and give you exactly what you need – THE GOLD and THE GOODIES that would totally change your life – imagine how  many ways your life would change.”

Because here’s why MM works:

  • Manifesting Mastery members get a short – MEMBERS ONLY lesson every day for 90 days.
  • Your SHORT Members Only lesson takes about 10 minutes…
  • (That’s about the time it takes to enjoy a yummy cup of coffee.)
  • And then you go on with your day, with the lesson held gently in mind. (No hard work involved. This works – guaranteed. Read the testimonials.)
  • And then the next day, you get your new lesson to play with – to explore your world from.
  • Now read all the testimonials, and imagine us sharing yours!

MM works because we eliminate resistance on all levels – with these little fun lessons.

As you’ll read below, members like you, start having way cool shifts and successes right from the start.

And right now we have over 17,000 success stories from MM members in our Facebook Group – LOA by Neville Goddard.


Because most members send us a personal update every 7 days.

And we love that because we get to know you and we always write back.

Looking forward to your MM adventures!

Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria 

Big Bonuses for Manifesting Mastery Members

  • Anytime you want a one on one private coaching call, you get a special Members Only rate….
  • You have credit for $500 off any LIVE DEEP DIVE event we do in Australia or Worldwide.
  • You get the NLP OF MONEY recordings we made back when we originally made MM – Worth $197.00

Day 55 – “My husband WON $5,000.00” 

Hey TT and V,

It’s late… real quick…

My husband has won $5000 in the last 5 days…

I manifested some free courses I’ve been wanting to take and I somehow manifested a visit from my cousin who lives in LA!! I hadn’t seen him for 44 years!!

We were pen pals as kids… he knows we are creators too and what an amazing visit and felt an amazing connection… he was coming thru Altoona for business… that is some powerful stuff!!

Thank you so much for all the daily support.,. I am blessed to have found you!!
Wendy 🙂 in Pennsylvania – Day 55 – Manifesting Mastery

Hi again!!!

Thank you Victoria and Twenty Twenty  for being the creators of this wonderful course!!! These past weeks I’ve been able to notice more and more how easy I am able to create extraordinary events. I love my multidimensional story. I find fascinated about how now I see the bridges.

Before this course I was getting confused but now, I’m getting it so I am walking through this bridge knowing that I am walking towards my wish fulfilled. Love y’all and Thanks…..

See you soon!!

Daniela – Day 56 – Manifesting Mastery

Hi TT and Victoria!

My little bro put me onto your course and I have started fairly slowly over the last couple of weeks but am really enjoying the mind shift. It is great for us to be able to check-in with each other on bits of the course as we move along.

I love that each lesson is simple, practical and doesn’t take long to read. I certainly feel that my anxiety has reduced over the last few weeks.


Hi TT and V!!

You two  are BRILLIANT!!! I discovered Neville a few years ago. How you guys have designed a course around his work is amazing. My awareness has changed so much just in the first week!! It is so much fun to imagine my life into being! I really love the lesson on the STATE-ments. I am going to have a blast with that today!

Love you!!


You know I’ve done a fair few courses over the years, this one is so above and beyond.

In the last 21 days, (can’t believe it’s gone so fast,) relationships are smoother, less procrastinating and more inspired action and opportunities. Life feels more fun, more easy.

Always happy for feedback, Thank You 20 & Victoria sooo much. This is Awesome!
You folks ROCK!
JO Day 21

“I found $7,000 in cash…..

I also wanted to share a success story. A few weeks ago, I found about US$7,000 in cash in an old wallet that I had forgotten about for ages! That money was left over from a trip I took to the US last year. Then 15 minutes after that I found $2,000 Singapore dollars in a different compartment of the same wallet. AND THEN 5 minutes after that I found about $500 Australian dollars! It was the most amazing thing and I felt totally abundant and wealthy! And this was only after doing maybe 3 Feel It Real sessions!

I am really enjoying the 90-day Manifesting Mastery program. Thank you so much for all that you both do.

Have a lovely day,

Pretty K. in Manifesting Mastery

“I got a NEW CAR!”

Dear TT and V

You know I feel like I am a changed man. A changed person..  I cant believe that the course is over but what has changed in me via this course is the beginning of a new life..

So many great things happened over the past 90 days..from increasing income to booking more acting work to even getting a new car.. (will be delivered next week;-) feeling more love and feeling more ME.

I want to thank you sooo much for your guidance throughout this time and I really want you to know how much you have touched my life and in course all of the lives I come in contact with..I am truly truly grateful.

I even went back to week one today..I realised that the meaning behind our acquaintance is truly significant and great.

You know I never had a mentor growing up.. that’s changed now.
I am proud to call you my mentor.
Stay safe and keep rocking it.
Greetings to all.

“Living stress and worry free!”

Thank you so much for all the lessons, emails, videos, etc.  Mike and I have had so much success and this has truly changed our lives.  The thing I love the most that I have overcome is not worrying any longer about what anyone thinks. 

For so long that has ruled over me and left me feeling guilty, stressed, not worthy, etc.  But life is so different now.  I don’t listen to the “girls giggling” any longer.  I feel so free.   I no longer give meaning to what I would have in the past.  Still growing and learning, but most of all living stress and worry free.  

Love from across the ocean,
Kim Brignac

I’m writing to say how grateful I am to have discovered your work with the teachings of Neville. And here’s the thing; I’ve been sporadically using my imagination to create my reality for decades. But for some reason I couldn’t believe that what I was doing could be a way of life so I dismissed it and only used it in emergencies. 

It is so wonderful to have your daily reminders and to find myself belonging to a community of like-minded people. At the moment my results consist of a kind of relief in my spirit and heart…a feeling that I can make of my life what I most want to. 

I am looking forward to continuing this exploration with you and our fellow travelers. And yes, you can use this.  

Thanks bunches!

Jan – Lesson 8


I have taken many courses before and this is the most exciting one I have ever experienced. Every day a new me emerges and I can’t wait for the next lesson. When I first wanted to take this course is was all about the “stuff”. Well, the “stuff” is me!

Mary – Lesson 52


Greeting TT and V,

This first week has been liberating and my expectation for greater yield, is growing.
I now understand, that I can create space between, what I see/hear/feel and the entrance into another state.

This, in my opinion is a powerful paradigm and thanks for sharing it, during week one.
Looking forward and Peace !

D. H. 

“I should have started this course LAST YEAR!”

Feb 17, 2016

Once more thank you for your hands-on training. I bought your kindle books already last year and tried to figure out Neville myself. However, I should have started this course last year too. Would have saved me a lot of time.



“I remain your friend and GRATEFUL STUDENT….”

February 7, 2016

Thank you so much Mr 20/20 and Victoria. The 90 day Manifesting Mastery course has impacted my life in a very positive and powerful way.

As I tend to experience changes rather than write about them I am slower in recording the manifestations than perhaps others. How be it I will endeavour to do this over the next few months as I know you value the feedback.

I have also enrolled in the Meta Manifesting course and intend to continue with your excellent teaching whenever the opportunity presents itself. I remain your friend and grateful student. The newsletter you send every day is another powerful tool in my learning, so thanks for that.

Love Pamela (from Hepburn Springs)


September 7, 2018

My third day of Manifesting Mastery is coming to an end and these lessons have been profound and life changing. My self awareness has been elevated to a new level, without attached self judgement, and my mood has been on top! Realizing how much junk I’ve ascribed to external things and that I can easily just stop doing that is priceless.


“I suffered from ANXIETY for several years….”

“Well I’ve done MM and the transformation was stunning. I suffered from anxiety for years and in the first week it was gone… for months. It has tried to resurface several times, but I keep drawing on the lessons, especially from week one. Twenty Twenty you are a living legend! You have helped me more than you can ever realise, and I’m sure countless others can attest to this. I am so genuinely excited to be joining you on another adventure. I know it’s going to be good!” – Tammy T. November 16, 2015

“It’s as if ALL my past teachings are…”

“It’s as if all of my past teachings and study are being pulled together here….now because of what I am doing with you…thank you!! I feel more at ease with my work which is wonderful. In fact I am more positive more energetic and more loving than ever before.” – Justin (Day 16) January 2, 2015

“Just finished my first week and looking back I discovered that the money I needed to install new flooring arrived on day 3 of your program when I received not one but 2 phone calls on the same day for future work which was paid in full in advance!

Truly remarkable!

Thanks for making me aware!

Now I want more!” Amy in Chicago – July 2014

“Many thanks!”

“I so appreciate your work and I have journeyed eons since beginning with you.” – Jacqueline F.

 “You’ve done a brilliant job in putting this all together. The experiential nature of it all was, in my opinion, what really allows everyone to “GET IT.” And the fact that you answer individual emails — unbelievable! — but tremendously appreciated.” – Linda

“Dear Mr.20-20 and Victoria,  

I don’t know how to thank you for helping me out with my life.I have done the course ”Manifesting Mastery” and still I go through the lessons from the beginning because there is so much to learn from the lessons.  I have been manifesting miracles and the lessons have given me more clarity of thoughts. 

I remain grateful to you…forever.  Regards and blessings.” – R.U.

“I am enjoying the course and learning much from it. In just over a month I have become totally addicted to my special morning email from you and listening to the lecture and spending the day  trying to work and concentrate on the message of the day. I am succeeding on some things, so I know success is close on the other things but it is not their time to sprout yet.  Thank you!”  Larry B. Newman – Larry Newman Printing Tennessee 


Last year I wanted to take the Mastering Manifesting Course so bad but kept saying to myself you cannot justify spending $97. On August 15, I made up my mind I needed to invest in myself. 

My “old way of thinking” had gotten better through the years but there was so much more deep inside of me I needed to work on. I kept a journal on every session, I took notes and now I have them to look back on at any time.

Some of the sessions were so simple, but so powerful. This is one of the best things I have ever done for myself and for the others around me.

I could hardly wait until the next day to see what was in store for me.

As time went on, Life stepped in, things happened with family members, I needed to spend more time on a session so instead of a 90 day course it took me until June 10, 2014 to finish.

Mr. Twenty Twenty emailed me back every time I had a question about anything.

This truly has been “Life Changing”! If you are on the fence, get off, do it! It is so worth it!!!

Thank you Mr Twenty Twenty and Victoria…..

Blessings, Joyce

Do this step by step 90 day Virtual Coaching Program and you will Master Manifesting. (It is the closest thing to live coaching – real life mentoring – that you can find ANYWHERE. And instead of spending $297 you get it all for just $97 bucks today.) 


Dear TT & V,

Late September when I decided to sign up for the manifesting mastery course, I had initial hesitation (because there are so many courses out there promising you the sun and the moon that it made me wary) but decided it would give me something valuable in the long run.
While signing up I made sure that I had no feeling of “sacrificing” or a feeling of lack in fact I thought, I’ll make this money many times over and when I look back in a few weeks it will seem silly that I even had to think about it.
What is interesting is that I didn’t receive any unexpected money but I did receive unexpected gifts within the first couple of weeks – of things I had intended to purchase and which cost about $300.
I spent more than I usually do in a month but each time I spent money I had this immense feeling of gratitude and at the end of the month when I checked I saved extra money which was little more than 10 times the cost of the course.
Not too shabby. I no longer feel stress to look at my bank statement.
I’m looking forward to seeing large deposits in it. As Neville would say, its already there.
By following your daily exercises of being more aware of my thoughts I have plugged leaks of not just my power to create and manifest but in my finances as well.
The latter I wasn’t even aware I was doing.
Thank you TT & V for what you do!
Warm regards,
V.P.  New York City

It helps to have a mentor.  It helps to be part of a mastermind.  You learn the BASICS reading the articles here at FreeNeville.

“MANIFESTING MASTERY works – because it goes “behind the scenes” so you get the core STRENGTHS AND SKILLS to be a pro. 

“Think about it, every boxer knows how to punch, block and evade – it’s only the pro’s that have a help of a seasoned mentor that get the MENTOR’S EXPERIENCE they need to become a champion.

It works wonders in just minutes a day.

Do it anywhere, anytime you choose. These drills, experiential exercises are time tested and proven – and are now affordable to anyone – because of this amazing study at home training.

March 31, 2017

Hey Mr Twenty, 
I’ve loved this first week of the course. In my opinion, it alone was worth the $97. The process of reassigning meaning has been a powerful one for me. It is no less than literally shifting my entire world. One specific situation is my cats. Every morning at 4:45 AM (or earlier) they jump on the bed and walk on stomachs and wake my girlfriend and I up. In the beginning, I would get frustrated, imagining terrible meaning but as the week went on I was able to attach new meaning to the whole scenario. Now, it’s not that they don’t hop on the bed, it’s more so that I’m not frustrated by their actions. 
Super grateful! Looking forward to the rest of this course 🙂 
Michael Gustin 


“Why don’t you do live phone coaching sessions?” 

Great question mate. We DO offer LIVE GROUP calls and PRIVATE one on one sessions several times a year, but we only offer them (at very reduced rates) to people who are MM Members. Side note:  What’s REALLY COOL, is 99% of the time, what most people THINK they need coaching on – gets taken care of in the first few weeks of the Manifesting Mastery!

Why are you giving us these bonuses?” 

Simple, we want you to succeed wildly. Once you do, we are sure you will want to attend any live trainings we do in the US or in Australia. When you succeed wildly, you’ll want to explore more of what we offer. 

“Do I get any live coaching time with you in this program?”  

Not in this program. Normally, we charge $500 for a 60 minute mentoring call. (Members of Manifesting Mastery get HUGELY DISCOUNTED RATES ON PHONE COACHING) 

In Manifesting Mastery, you ALSO get unlimited priority email support and, most people who have done this program with us email us about once a week. This training is designed to help you quickly and effectively eliminate what gets in the way of you Nevillizing powerfully and quickly what you want in the world. 

“What if I am not happy with the program?” 

Just email us at [email protected] within 60 days, and we will cheerfully refund your money, and you can keep the training and the bonuses FREE, our gift.

WEEK 1 TESTIMONIAL: MM Saved my Marriage!

I want to tell you – honestly in 4 days this is what has happened, my 13 year marriage was in shambles and family life was a misery. In under 4 days – doing the steps you outlined (I also was continuing to read/listen/use the lessons from your email from the basic newsletter you send out regularly) – SAVED MY MARRIAGE! Not only that, rekindled love and hope in both of us – and he didn’t even do the steps – it was like magic. I am grateful and gushing with joy. The thing is – as you say – it is just so darn simple no one would believe it! But I just did the lessons. On day 2 I did the exercise for about 2 hours throughout the day because I had so many opportunities that needed seeing newly. There was a breakthrough that happened that shifted my world. Anyway, I wanted to tell you. Simple – powerful. It works true miracles. THANK YOU BOTH! – Evelyn Wakefield


One of the first things I started doing with Neville is that I wanted to be taken seriously, as an artist.  Also, I wanted to exhibit my work with higher caliber artists and in better galleries than I had been at that point.  A little later I shared that with a friend who said, “No, you want to be successful as an artist, don’t worry about being taken seriously.” 
Fast forward six months later, I was accepted into a juried art show in a nicer gallery than where I have previously exhibited my work..  The gallery features high caliber artists, many with formal education in art.  The curator for the gallery mentioned that when the judges saw my work, they immediately wanted it in the show.  The two judges are comprised of an art professor and a nationally known artist.  My first Neville attempt at being taken seriously as artist has manifested, even when I switched my attention to thinking in terms of financial gain.  I suspect that might be next.
Thanks,  John – USA



I have something amazing to share…

I earn quiet decent salary being a lecturer in a Jr.College but everytime before month end I am broke waiting for the next salary.I spend a lot on books and this month I was tempted to buy manifesting mastery course by twenty-twenty.It costed me around 7000 INR – almost 1/3rd of my salary.I thought I will make up for it over next few months. I did the regular exercises mentioned in the course and sometimes even repeated everything from the start.I started it in october and I see that this particular month (october) I had saved 7000 INR !! I was so engrossed in all the lessons that I noticed it during the month end that I wasnt broke like other months but have saved exactly the same amount that I had spent on buying the pack!! Isnt it amazing!! Thank you Mr.20-20 !! – Raji

Day 90 This has been an amazing and wonderful journey with you. Your sincerity and kindness shine through! My life at the beginning of the 90 days is dramatically different. Just in the last 2 weeks I’ve had a $3K, 2K and 500+ checks come in – SURPRISES from a job I did the first week we started – that went national! I had no idea how it would happen – but I FELT IT REAL! I did the work (simple and beautiful it is) but you have to do it! I HIGHLY recommend this to anyone and everyone for REAL and lasting shifts that are positive and profound yet simple enough to be real. It’s just right! Thanks Mr. Twenty Twenty and Victoria – thank you so very much! Love Stephana

Dear Mr. Twenty Twenty and Victoria,

Today was the best day of the entire week — in fact the best day in a long time. I usually print out the session the night before so it will be ready for me to read first thing the next morning. I had glimpsed last evening, the bit about deciding what you truly most want. So, I was thinking during the night, “Wow, they are probably going to ask us to prioritize and decide what is most important to manifest first.” Actually, the recording was anything but that, however that had been my impression. So I started obsessing, “What am I going to tell them? I want all of this stuff — every bit of it is important,” and on and on from there. But listening to the two of you, it came to me that I most wanted to be peaceful, relaxed, full of love and joy, and live from that state. It was such a relief and felt natural. Now, keep in mind, I fully intend to manifest all of this stuff — heck, I’m studying “Mastering Manifesting!” but I do believe this state of relaxation and joy is what I most want now, and I thank you for walking me up to the river and enabling me to drink in this beautiful insight. I also was deeply blessed by the session on separation, as I had been experiencing some rather distressing fear about, “What if this happens?” That session was particularly helpful. And man, those eye stretches really work!! Many blessings this week and I thank you both so very much. Linda – Session 35

Thank you Mr. T.T.

I have noticed I am becoming a lot nicer to my husband since doing the courses and constantly repeating to myself the FEELINGS of I am love and I am loved. Consequently he is being much nicer to me. I maintain these feelings in my new home with him and see him just as I did years ago. I do the same with my 2 boys. I am maintaining my FEELINGS of love; joy; peace and happiness all day long. My friends at yoga have noticed it as well especially my yoga teachers. One of them made a comment about how he could feel the energy coming from me. My practice is almost perfect and I have my own mantras to keep me focused so I maintain my STATES while in class. If I happen to fall off my horse (as Neville would say), I get right back in the saddle and say “Thank You Father”. I am just loving the course and the other courses I am doing, Feel It Real and the “Prosperity Pack”, plus all the other material I have. Sandra

Dear Mr. Twenty Twenty and Victoria!

What an interesting week! Thank You! I was thrilled to get to see Victoria — Beautiful!! What a spectacular smile and all that gorgeous thick hair. Now I must start Feeling it Real for beautiful hair!! 🙂 OK, here was my breakthrough. I believe I told you that I have been carrying around a list of 10 goals for over two years now and haven’t manifested a one of them! This was after having manifested some pretty awesome things in the past. Now, I have heard for years that the way to reach your goals is to write them down and read them over and over — preferably three times a day. So, I have that list on my writing desk, in my purse, by my wingback chair where I like to read, and probably 4 or 5 other places — it hasn’t worked!! Suddenly it occurred to me, “You know, Linda, Mr. Twenty Twenty has never one time mentioned making a list!” Then it hit me — of course!! Whenever I look at the list I’m seeing what I want — in other words what I don’t have. I put all those lists away. One I tucked into my writing desk and now this is my Feel it Real: I’m at a point in time when I open that desk drawer looking for something and just happen to find that list. And then I smile with joy and gratitude as I realize every single thing on that list is now in my life!! This feels SO much better than reading over that list. I must tell you one more thing, Mr. Twenty Twenty. Your Neville Goddard Coffee Club #6 about the lemon was the most powerful thing I’ve ever heard!!! Sometimes I have difficulty really getting into the feeling state, but I tried sucking on that lemon, puckering up at how sour it was, actually moving my body with “Oh, this is just so sour!” Then, I superimposed my “State of the Wish Fulfilled” and found it was easy to experience it with my whole body — with all my senses. I did this several times and it worked every time! Thank you SO SO much!! All the best to the two of you wonderful people! Linda


Hi TT & V, As always thanks for all of the excellent coaching! Greatly appreciated. This is how the story unfolded. The last 3-4 days have had there moments of frustration. Lots of practice not adding meaning to things. Ha Ha, but excellent practice. It’s great to have the tools. But what happened this afternoon was shocking! To say the least. Another couple of events happened today and the meaning that I added to them was not beneficial to say the least. And then something happened. It just happened. No forewarning, not, I can change the meaning. None of that. It was like something instantaneously snapped inside of me. Actually as I write about it. It was more like, “I” woke up. I was experiencing frustration and I just all of a sudden said. Wait a minute, “I” get to choose! I get to choose!!, Nobody else, just me!! I get to choose. And the power that came from that was just incredible. I am still feeling it!! In fact I just got back from paddle boarding, where I was jumping up and down on my paddle board saying out loud to myself and the beavers. I get to choose!!! Me, nobody else, I am in charge and this is the way that I see it playing out. And it did, better than I thought it would. You had told me during our coaching call a week or so ago that I can choose to instead of, I want to. Which I had been doing. But when I added, “I”, get to choose. The energy just came flying out of me!! Wow!! Very empowering. I will be adding that feeling to all of my feel it real sessions. Yes, one simple word! “I”, get to choose, like it’s my right! I am God, so, yes I get to choose!! I get to choose everything!! Thanks again! Have a great night! Peace and Blessings! Greg

Hi TT & V!  Thank you both so much for…

….being in this journey together.It has been a different life since I came across & started doing the Manifesting Mastery program. MM session 62 ( Last part of Pure In Heart ). Something happened to me after reading it again & again.I have been doing Feel It Real sessions but that question of when it will happen was not leaving me subconciously.When I read abt how Abdullah shut the door on Neville ( although I hv read it before in the free lectures ) & then heard your sharing in session 63 …I took on Abdullah’s attitude on whatever I desire. I told myself when I already have what I want there is no discussion about it ( & all my mind chaterring stopped ) Something happened in just 12 hours which looked like a miracle from 6 months.But when it happened it looked like the most natural thing to happen. I had to actually convince myself that this happened coz my consciousness unconsciously accepted it…. Its a beautiful journey & I can’t thank you both enough. Pooja

Hey Mr Twenty Twenty your work is awesome and greatly needed and appreciated I see the differences in my approach to life and my feelings about myself. Your work is confirming my own thoughts and giving me the confidence to believe truly in what I have been thinking. Thank you the lesson the other day on…. Donald L.

Hi Twenty Twenty and Victoria…

Thank you for the Manifesting Mastery…

It has been really good to get your emails daily….and “dwell in the delight” …. To have your everyday language translate Neville’s teaching even further has/is fantastic… Now to hold onto this ultimate feeling of “freedom” and wish this for everyone I/we encounter. less forcing….and more feeling it real….whilst participating in areas that do make us smile! Thank you both for the support you give so that I can continue to be an example of experiencing the new realities of my imagination….. Even amongst tricky experiences.”

TT and V,

In Lesson 13 you thanked us for investing in ourselves by doing this course. I can’t agree more. I see it as a valuable investment. One of the best I’ve made. 
There are several things I’ve noticed, including me being more aware of the argumentative conversations I’ve had in my head and changing them into congratulatory ones. I known and have been teaching for some time that the majority of our conflicts with people take place in our head. So, I’m catching myself when I go into those.
I’m really fortunate to have a wife that I can share my excitement about learning this with and we awake each morning to journal and then I listen to the Manifesting Mastery session while she listens to a guided meditation from a program she’s currently doing. I then meditate and write insights I get from this.
My life is more peaceful and I’m gaining more confidence. I’m more present and alive with people, laughing and being spontaneous in conversations as opposed to thinking things through and wondering how what I say will be received. It’s a wonderful thing!
Thanks so much! J. G.

You know, I feel like doing the whole program over again from day one.

Victoria, thank you for bringing to mind thinking of six impossible things before breakfast. It now often puts a smile on my face. Like you, I preferred Wonderland when I read them years ago. Will have to look into Looking Glass again. I had starting to feel a little silly about getting flashes about my “alternate” life throughout my working day, twinges of “this is magical thinking” and so on. Just at that time, another member (Marcus) of the daily blog wrote to seek clarification on exactly this issue. Your two “Remember When Methods” pretty much outlined what I had been doing intuitively, if not systematically. What a happy rush! I will keep on keepin’ on. I can’t tell you how valuable this program has been for me. I came upon it at such a critical point in my life. Your daily doses of coaching are so well-designed – am so grateful it was affordable. Thanks ! Nat

Jan 31, 2013

Dear Mr. Twenty Twenty and Victoria,

I can’t begin to tell the two of you what a profound…

…life-changing journey the Manifesting Mastery has been for me. As I’ve told you, I’ve read Neville for years, but for the first time I feel like I can and will create in powerful ways that I used to just ponder. The last several sessions, particularly paying attention to the tone “The Opera” and all of the comments about how we are always manifesting meaning especially resonated with me. I know you’ve said these things before, but I feel like I’m grasping it now as never before. Now here’s the thing. It has occurred to me that I have essentially been practicing scales throughout all the sessions. As a former piano teacher, I understand how important it is to master the scales (technique) before you can really play Brahms Rhapsodies and Chopin Ballades, so I don’t think my practicing scales was all bad. My plan now is to take the entire course again (I’ve saved all the links) beginning January 1, with the intent of using all this technique to play some fabulous music! You’ve done a brilliant job in putting this all together. The experiential nature of it all was, in my opinion, what really allows everyone to “GET IT.” And the fact that you answer individual emails — unbelievable! — but tremendously appreciated. I wish you both a blessed, happy, prosperous and Wonderful New Year 2014!! It’s bound to be great! Many Blessings 🙂 Linda

Hey Mr Twenty, I just finished your 90 day course. The course was absolutely awesome from beginning to end. I love the first few lessons on how you teach not to judge on outer appearances because we don’t know what is really going on. The course for me helped put Life in perspective. It did so in seed form which I really appreciate. I highly recommend this program and any other program that you offer. Another of my favorites is the Feel it Real program. It really helped and is continuing to help me in my journey. The main thing form is that you really emphasized the seemingly small things that I was doing wrong. I am seeing results in my life also. Things are changing financially and my self image is changing in ways unparalleled. Again thanks Twenty for helping to revitalize a literal god in the self help/ metaphysical community and bridging NLP with spirituality in a seamless fashion. – Donald – 14 January 2014

DAY 3 TESTIMONIAL – March 19, 2014

Hi TT and V– Here’s another success story for you! So… having manifested a job that really suits me, my next strong “want” was to have a car again. I sold my car about a year and a half ago, to cut expenses when I was unemployed. Frequently I would imagine myself driving the car I wanted to own. But more often (several times a day), over the last month or two, I found myself thinking “I really must have a car!” with strong emotion accompanying the thought. The day before yesterday, while dropping off my grandson at my house, my daughter said to me, “I have something for you,” and she handed me a couple of pieces of paper. I unfolded the papers… and then I realized that one of them was the title to a car! She and my son-in-law actually gave me one of their cars, which happens to be the same make as the car I imagined myself driving, though an older model. However, it has very low mileage, is in good condition, and, for me, is “new” in the ways that matter! This car is just what I needed at this particular time. You can’t imagine my reaction — I was speechless at first! The gift was completely unexpected, and I am very, very grateful. Anyway, this happened on my 3rd day of doing the Manifesting Mastery program. I am so excited to see what will happen next! Cheers and blessings to you both! Anne G.

I am a single mom…

…with a child with special needs and I want for her to continue participating in a local program as openings fill quickly and waiting lists long. After making a few calls I was able to secure her spot in the program, have it paid for by her dad, and receive transportation from the school district. I allowed them to give me what I wanted and dang it WORKED!!! I love this manifesting program and my new mindset!Thank you for changing my Mind! – Amy

August 17, 2014

Hi TT & V, I’ve been traveling a great deal this summer, and finding time for updates has been tricky, but I would be remiss not to write as the course ends. In the last 90 days

I feel like I’ve made 2 new friends. Thank you so much for being my mentors and guides in this wonderful journey.

Lots of changes in my life. I find myself revising all the time. As soon as I hear someone tale of woe, I revise.

I’ve got a healthy disregard for the “facts” now, and I refuse to get sucked into the drama anymore.

My visualization are more effective and more fun. Instead of following my imagination, I am leading it. I particularly like telling myself wonderful stories. Perhaps the most important takeaway is the knowledge that I am already the power I seek.

While I’ve believed in my divinity on an intellectual level, this course has truly helped to awaken me to my nature as one with God. I truly am shedding my separation anxiety. As you say, stay tuned.

This is hardly the end. Blessings to you both.


Georganne G

I thank you both for…

….spelling everything out in a way that is much easier to comprehend and put into practice.

Keep bringing good to those who are ready for it!! 

In light and love, Colleen April 28, 2015


Thanks, TT. Thank you for sharing your knowledge! I did the first exercise last night and today. I also listened to some of the audio downloads. I felt ideas flowing about my own internet business. I teach voice and piano and perform. As you were talking in the audio I had ideas for videos I could produce as well as sell the book I am writing on my website. Ideas started to flow as I started asking questions like, “What skills or information do I have that people would pay for?” Something struck me about what you were saying, too. At one point you mentioned working 4 hours a week. To make extra cash, I work as a waiter at high-end events. I take care of millionaires, billionaires, celebrities, you name it. What I noticed is these people spend big bucks on luncheons, parties that go until midnight in the middle of the week, and I remember talking to one wealthy man who said he hardly ever works. He owns a Bently and spends much of his time travelling and seeing the world. All of these people don’t seem to work much at all. That people I know who work the hardest earn the least. Myself, when I work at these events, it starts with unloading a truck, setting up the venue, changing into my tuxedo, carrying trays, serving drinks, then in the middle of the night, taking everything down, reloading the truck, at getting home a bit before sunrise. All of that for $20 – $25 an hour. I love teaching and performing, but most of my income comes from the butt-busting work. Now that’s going to change. I would love to have about 5 – 10 hours of one-on-one lessons and the rest of the time use for free time or performing (which never feels like work). Now I can see that actually happening. Be well and have a wonderful day! -Paul – Day 1 – July 25, 2015

Hi Mr Twenty Twenty, Victoria and Emmett!

Thank you for your email and welcome to your program. Like most, I have been reading much of Neville’s writings over the last few years and I feel grateful that it has brought me to this point where I have now taken the opportunity to master my manifesting skills with your help and guidance. I’m now at Day 2 – and already the lessons so far are profound for me. For example, I took the time to read Neville’s the “Art of Prayer” before bed last night (only a little book after all), however the words have just taken on a whole new level of depth – instantly. I can only describe it as a continuous buzz! Needless to say, the next 88 days are going to be very exciting and full of revelations and “ah ha!” moments. I look forward to the journey and I thank you for the opportunity to participate. It means a lot! Regards D. F. Day 2 – September 1, 2015


Good day TT, V and E, So I completed the 90 days. Wow, what a great course. A bargain I should say also.   The course helped me put things in better perspective feeling the feel more of who I really am, not my flesh and bones but the soul/spirit within. So I am grateful for this course! Thank you so much for taking the time to create this course and the daily emails. I will redo the course again. First I want to catch up on emails from you I have not opened yet and take the candid creation course. I had a question the other day, when it reappears I will ask it. Thanks, Julie  September 12 2015

Dear TT and V, I think the biggest manifestation so far has been this: I left my old bar on not good terms. A bartender and I had always been in conflict and one day he snapped at me and I snapped back and went home. About a year later I got news that he had stage 4 cancer and was likely to die. I started listening to Neville and started your course and imagined hearing news that he had fully recovered. Well, I spoke with a mutual friend and he has fully recovered! FULLY recovered from stage 4 cancer! I now keep imagining us getting along well as we have both transformed in the last year. Paul K. in NYC October 18, 2015

UPDATE – November 11, 2015

Dear TT and V, I cannot thank you enough for your course and support. You helped me transform in the most stunning ways. I spent most of my life thinking so badly of myself. I now live in a state of heaven on earth. A former roommate asked me what I have been doing because I am looking so beautiful. I have a new and renewed rich social life with friends of old who I had not seen in ages and new who I have just met. My income has increased along with my confidence. My friends and family are in better health as am I. That’s the long and the short of it. I anticipate all of the great things ahead. Thank you! Love, Paul


November 22, 2015 Hi TT and Victoria,

I have completed the 90 Day Manifesting Mastery Course.
Thank you for this outstanding course.  I enjoyed it and definitely benefited
from it.  I changed a lot of beliefs, gave up a lot of fears, lost some weight,
lowered my blood pressure and manifested some great things.
I shall continue with what I learned and will study the course over and over, gaining more insights each time.
Much love and many blessings,

“I feel so much more empowered. That i have this peaceful feeling I’ve captured. I have this ability to recognize when i start blaming something for ruining my mood that i’m actually just imagining it. Thank you so much!!!. You can always use whatever i write to you to share with whomever you please.” Love to you both! Jenny – Day 7 – November 27, 2015

“What you have done with this course is masterly….”

…it is a series of exercises designed to create a well toned spiritual athlete and I can feel myself solidly becoming one.  So, thank-you so much!” – Tina – Day 63 – February 16, 2016

“MM is making a HUGE difference…”

Hi TT, V, E and B, I can’t believe it’s Day 21 already! I’m really enjoying MM, and I can feel change rippling through me. Yesterday, the “you are the spark” day, was a lovely set of exercises to do. Funnily enough, I’d just done a FIR session, and had felt my consciousness expanding further and further out of my physical body, just before I listened to the recording. In general, I am feeling lighter and happier and I am noticing that things that would have angered me or upset me at one time matter less and less. If I do get angry or upset, it’s for a few minutes, and them I’m able to use the resources I have to regain my balance and refocus, and deliberately choose to feel something better. MM is making a huge difference to how I feel, how I perceive and how I act and react. I am loving it! Thanks, guys, for all your love and support. It’s so great to know you’re with me all the way. That’s all from me for now. Love and blessings to you all, Sharon L.  Day 21, April 12, 2016

April 22, 2017 Just wanted to share some updates and express gratitude. This entire course has been an integral part of a massive shift occurring in my life. Mainly, I have really began to understand what the State of The Wish Fulfilled means and how it applies to every situation. I’ve been adamant about FIR for Successful Forex Trading, and Being a certain rank in my NM company. This week was awesome, as I had 16 trades, 11 out of those were in profit, and I ended the week with a higher acct balance than when I started. Definitely very grateful. Another story, the kid that was the initiator for all of my bullying problems growing up has recently come to me, and is asking me for life coaching, telling me how happy he is to know me, how grateful he is for me, and it’s been a miraculous experience. I feel very grateful. Thank you! You’re amazing, sending love to Vic and yourself. Imagining even more students coming your way! Michael G. 


“Life genuinely FEELS EASY…”

March 17, 2017

Hi guys,

I have had huge huge progress in my life. I am actually more more more confident now!

It’s ridiculous and crazy at the same time and I actually didn’t TRY to be confident. Wow. Thank u so much!

I’m happier.

Unbothered about petty gossip and experience more love and laughter from friends, family and even strangers.

Life feels genuinely EASY. Like I don’t stress about things ever! If I need something and can’t find it, I rest in the knowing that it’s there and voila it pops up, from holidays to makeup to new friends to discounts.

I love people more, I criticise less like from 100% to now 10%. I accept people for who they are because I know whatever is on the outside comes from my insides.

Nothing means what we think it does, that has really freed me honestly. I could go on and on guys, but seriously I am extremely grateful!

Gonna catch up on the other stuff as well, can’t wait to see more goodies! U guys rock!! Feel free to share my feedback, I pray it blesses someone like I’ve been blessed!

Love ,

Eghosa – Day 7 – Manifesting Mastery